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Piggy bank pink

$ 19.90 *

net price + shipping (see buttom of this page. Free shipping on orders above $70,-)

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Delivery time appr. 5-8 days (USA & CANADA)

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  • 30 day money-back guarantee
  • Free shipping for orders above $ 70.00
  • Shipping within 24 hours*
  • No payment fees
Saving money is great! This cheerful low poly designed pink piggy bank happily takes your bills...more
Product information "Piggy bank pink"

Saving money is great! This cheerful low poly designed pink piggy bank happily takes your bills and coins. The higher the savings amount, the sooner you may hear a lively "oink, oink!" - try it out. Most likely this will happen with € 500 bills which are also so beautifully pink.

But first you put your piggy bank made of high-quality paper from sustainable forestry together yourself. We deliver the individual pieces for the standing paper figure to you – in contrast to a standard arts and crafts sheet - already pre-creased and pre-cut by machine. So that nothing can go wrong - we make the process easy for you. Of course, we do not expect you to be an origami professional. We have numbered the individual pieces so you can easily glue them to the 14.5 x 10 x 18 cm-size piggy bank.

For the perfect result and long lasting enjoyment of your bull we recommend our Papertrophy glue which holds everything together perfectly.

 The Papertrophy paper glue is not part of this paper animal and must be ordered in addition to the paper animal.


Specifics: pre-cut & pre-creased parts
Color: pink
Main-color: pink
Measures HxWxD: 14,5 x 10 x 18 cm | 5.71'' x 3.94'' x 7.09''
Material: 270g/m2, FSC-certified paper
Custom-color option: yes
Manufacturer: Papertrophy, Max-Beer-Str.10, 10119 Berlin, info@papertrophy.com
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