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- Our paper is FSC certified - from sustainable forests

- Our packaging is recyclable

- We do not use any plastic on our animals and their packaging.

- We plant five trees per order in cooperation with our partner Edenprojects.

- We support Sea Shepherd and Save the Survivors through the sale of our products


I am of the old-fashioned opinion that word-of-mouth is the best way to advertise - both for new shops and classic businesses.  This is why our shop takes our customers into account instead of the large search engines.  We have tried to do the following:
- to facilitate the finding of our products with clear navigation, we pass on large, colourful logos and unnecessary client traps. Our product stands front and center.  You can see what we offer when you visit our site, so we don’t need to add “papercraft” and “wall trophy” 20x at the foot of the page. That’s just annoying - for you as much as for our web designer, and when he is annoyed he gets mad, which is something we definitely want to avoid! ;-)
- to be fully accessible.  We are not only reachable by email – we also offer a toll-free 0-800 number (if you call from Germany).  Whether you call us with questions or suggestions, or need help to decide what to purchase – we are happy to help!  Should you not be able to reach us, we will get back to you ASAP.



