Greetings, earthling!
It appears that you have become curious. You are wondering what is behind this "we-plant-five-trees" thing that you’ve read about? Well… we are happy to see that we have attracted your attention, and will provide you with all of the information you need, but since we know that you probably didn't come to our beautiful site because of this, we'll make it short:
We are sure that you are aware of how important trees are for our planet. You know… the thing we depend on because we live on it? This huge ball that we all travel around the sun on every day? *
If you didn’t know how important trees are, here is some fascinating info:
So… the lovely trees you see around you, provide us with oxygen (great!), store CO2 (very nice), help with coastal protection (surfing is great, but nobody wants the waves to take our houses with them), prevent soil erosion, and a long time ago in Isengard, they helped to save the Shire.
In short, trees are great. We love trees.
Unfortunately the situation now is that we don't have enough of them on earth (see above). This might sound strange, but unfortunately it is true.
So, we decided that we should contribute towards saving the planet, and will therefore plant five new trees for each new order received, from now on. So easy — so simple. No ifs, ands, or buts, no small print, and no extra costs. We hope to make our lovely blue ball a little better and to preserve it for our children.
How do we do it? That’s a very good question. We have concluded a cooperation agreement with the established NGO,Eden Reforestation Projects. Through our regular donations,they can plant thousands of trees together with local farmers and villages. This happens in Madagascar, Nepal, Indonesia and Mozambique.
As at September 2019, we have already been able to plant 1,000 trees.
Thank you for your help!
You think our idea is so great that you want to plant a tree yourself? Super! But you're not sure whether a full-grown sequoia will fit into your apartment? No problem! Just do it like we do, and support one of the following organisations with your donation:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us an email at:
*Fun Fact: Even if you don't live on a ball like most of us do, but instead live on a disc (even if it's carried by giant turtles), trees, or the lack thereof, have the same effect on your life.
If you should see not one but two suns in the sky, you are probably not on Earth at the moment, but on Tatooine. Amazing that our website works here - please watch out for the sand people.
Greetings, earthling! It appears that you have become curious. You are wondering what is behind this "we-plant-five-trees" thing that you’ve read about? Well… we are happy to see that we have...
meer lezen » Venster sluiten Greetings, earthling!
It appears that you have become curious. You are wondering what is behind this "we-plant-five-trees" thing that you’ve read about? Well… we are happy to see that we have attracted your attention, and will provide you with all of the information you need, but since we know that you probably didn't come to our beautiful site because of this, we'll make it short:
We are sure that you are aware of how important trees are for our planet. You know… the thing we depend on because we live on it? This huge ball that we all travel around the sun on every day? *
If you didn’t know how important trees are, here is some fascinating info:
So… the lovely trees you see around you, provide us with oxygen (great!), store CO2 (very nice), help with coastal protection (surfing is great, but nobody wants the waves to take our houses with them), prevent soil erosion, and a long time ago in Isengard, they helped to save the Shire.
In short, trees are great. We love trees.
Unfortunately the situation now is that we don't have enough of them on earth (see above). This might sound strange, but unfortunately it is true.
So, we decided that we should contribute towards saving the planet, and will therefore plant five new trees for each new order received, from now on. So easy — so simple. No ifs, ands, or buts, no small print, and no extra costs. We hope to make our lovely blue ball a little better and to preserve it for our children.
How do we do it? That’s a very good question. We have concluded a cooperation agreement with the established NGO,Eden Reforestation Projects. Through our regular donations,they can plant thousands of trees together with local farmers and villages. This happens in Madagascar, Nepal, Indonesia and Mozambique.
As at September 2019, we have already been able to plant 1,000 trees.
Thank you for your help!
You think our idea is so great that you want to plant a tree yourself? Super! But you're not sure whether a full-grown sequoia will fit into your apartment? No problem! Just do it like we do, and support one of the following organisations with your donation:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us an email at:
*Fun Fact: Even if you don't live on a ball like most of us do, but instead live on a disc (even if it's carried by giant turtles), trees, or the lack thereof, have the same effect on your life.
If you should see not one but two suns in the sky, you are probably not on Earth at the moment, but on Tatooine. Amazing that our website works here - please watch out for the sand people.